Wednesday, December 19, 2012

computer project work

DOS command
1. DEL a:\temp\*.bas
=  it deletes all the files whose extension is bas of sudirectory temp of a drive.
2. MD b:\temp\new
= creates subdirectory new under sudirectory temp of b drive.
3. vol a:
= display volume label of a drive.
4. b:\ date 01-23-2005
= it changes the current system date to 23rd janauary 2005.
5.c:\dos>time 11:45:67:80 p
= it changes current system time to 11:45pm
6. RMDIR a:\temp\new
= it removes the subdirectory new of subdirectory temp of a drive.
7. type b:\temp\ tt .txt
= it displays the content of the file tt habing extension txt of directory tempo of b drive.
8. c:\copycon a:\aaa.txt
= creates a new file named as AAA with txt extension in a drive from c drive.
9. c:\copy*.tmp c:\temp
= it copies all the files having tmp as extension to the subdirectory temp of c drive from c drive.
10. c:\format a:/v:nine/s
= it formats a disk on a drive and supplies the volume nine and transfers the system files.
11. c:\dos >ren c:\dos\Qbasic\*.bas*.prg
= it renames all the files whose extension is bas into extension prg of subdirectory Qbasic under subdirectory dos of v drive.
12. c:\edit a:\new.txt
= allows user to open the file new having extension txt in edit mode of a drive from c drive.
13.c:\ Dir*.EXE p/w
= it displays all the files and directories page wise.