Saturday, November 17, 2012

prithivi narayan shah

1.choose any two national and international personalities then prepare a detailed biography each and post  them with at least 4 paragraphs related to those personalities in the blog.

 About Prithivi Narayan Shah

Nepal has produced some great men who introduced a era era.Prithiv narayan shah was one of the.he had  great ability for leadership, unyielding courage for nation building and remarkable zeal for the preservation of nationality.he became a famous king of the shah dynasty.

he was the eldest son of king narbhupal shah and queen kaushalyabati of gorkha.he was born on the 27th of paush 1799 BS.he was brought up by chandraorabha devi,the eldest and adventures.he showed signs of valous and courage from his very childhood.after the death of his father he ascended the throne of gorkha in 1799.he had two queens.

when he became king,he introduced reforms in his army.then he turned his attention towards extending his territory for making nepal orderto occupy the kathmandu balley,it was necessary to conquer nuwakot lying between gorkha and the kathmandu valley.he attacked nuwakot but was defented.receiving plenty of arms from his second father-in-law and signing a treaty with lumjung,he made a second attack on nuwakot and this time he succeeded.but this victory roused the jealousy of tanahuh and lumjung and they jointly invaded this battle prithivi narayan shah got the victory.

prithivi narayan shah was a source of our national unity .if  he had not unified nepal,there would not have been  the exesting form of nepal.he laid the foundation of modern nepal.he spent most of his life in battles but he did not ignore the good administration of the country.he won the tiny states but did not plunder them he considered the country as a commom garden of four cast and thirty six sub vastes.he took bribe as a great crime.he wished to encourage the native arts and handicraft.he adopted neutral foriegn policy and maintained equal relation with india and china.he protected Nepali religion and culture.he used to respect learned men.

prithivi narayan shah is still respectable.our present foreign policy is based on the policy adopted by him.he never hot perplexed.he gad great affection for this people.

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